Generating buzz for Wyeth Nutrition’s upcoming product
The buzz is out there – after the launch event, Wyeth Nutrition’s upcoming novel ILLUMA Human Affinity™ Organic Formula has been sweeping top stories on websites, TV, social media, news apps etc. The success in press is achieved by a close collaboration between TMG and Wyeth Nutrition who ran through the various stages from event concept development to execution items such as scriptwriting for all guests. In order to properly introduce the concept of Organic Formula to participants including both distributors and journalists at the event, we invited experts in organic farming and baby nutrition to elaborate on the benefits of Organic Formula and how to provide the best nutrients to new born babies. As brand ambassador for Organic Formula, Hannah Quinlivan showed up at the event representing new moms, and shared her experience as mother of two and how she chose Formula for her kids. Her appearance created an immediate momentum after the launch.On behalf of Wyeth Nutrition, TMG invited 40 media to the event while leveraging influencers from all around China to share the story with their fans. On the green summer lawn of Shanghai Ruijin Intercontinental Hotel, everyone had a great time.